Estonia, EE ‐ 22%
Albania, AL ‐ 20%
Andorra, AD ‐ 4%
Austria, AT ‐ 20%
Belarus, BY ‐ 20%
Belgium, BE ‐ 21%
Bosnia and Herzegowina, BA ‐ 17%
Bulgaria, BG ‐ 20%
Croatia, HR ‐ 25%
Cyprus, CY ‐ 19%
Czech Republic, CZ ‐ 21%
Denmark, DK ‐ 25%
Finland, FI ‐ 25.5%
France, FR ‐ 20%
Germany, DE ‐ 19%
Greece, GR ‐ 24%
Hungary, HU ‐ 27%
Iceland, IS ‐ 24.5%
Ireland, IE ‐ 23%
Italy, IT ‐ 22%
Latvia, LV ‐ 21%
Liechtenstein, LI ‐ 7.7%
Lithuania, LT ‐ 21%
Luxembourg, LU ‐ 17%
Macedonia, MK ‐ 18%
Malta, MT ‐ 18%
Moldova, Republic of, MD ‐ 20%
Monaco, MC ‐ 20%
Netherlands, NL ‐ 21%
Norway, NO ‐ 25%
Poland, PL ‐ 23%
Portugal, PT ‐ 23%
Romania, RO ‐ 19%
Russian Federation, RU ‐ 20%
San Marino, SM ‐ 22%
Republic of Serbia, RS ‐ 20%
Slovakia, SK ‐ 20%
Slovenia, SI ‐ 22%
Spain, ES ‐ 21%
Sweden, SE ‐ 25%
Switzerland, CH ‐ 7.7%
Ukraine, UA ‐ 20%
United Kingdom (GB), GB ‐ 20%
Debug panel
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version: 70e73c60@stage (23h 50m ago)